The Hotel Ballard & Stoneburner Proposal

Rajesh and Shayoni’s proposal was hands-down so well planned out, romantic, and happiness filled the room. There were many nerves at first with the surprise. Rajesh did a great job hiring The Heart Bandits and creating, together an epic Seattle proposal for his Bride, Shayoni. The thought and planning that Rajesh put into the proposal, with the images from their past and all the flowers lining the floor, was beautiful. It was so specially thought out and told their story.
Lauren Ryan Photography was able to provide all the fun candids, and also give little bits of direction, after the proposal. That provided them with an amazing rich gallery. Lighting was a bit unpredictable that day, as the sun was coming in and out through the glass building, on the rooftop of The Hotel Ballard. For the situation I consistently checked the back of my cameras and changed my settings as needed. I was able to use both my camera bodies to provide the couple with a variety of zoom in images and prime artistic photos. Rajesh and Shayoni were playful, joyful, and it was such a pleasure collaborating with them and the entire vendor team. Thank You!
Vendor List
Lauren Ryan Photography
The Heart Bandits
Floressence Design
The Hotel Ballard
Couple: @shayonii (Shayoniii Seth) @ibeerking (Rajesh Golani)